Frequently asked questions
What is the address of Mount Olive Lutheran Church and School?
- 5625 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310
- We are located just southeast of the intersection of Merle Hay Road and Hickman Road in Des Moines, Iowa
What are your beliefs?
- We are a member congregation of the national church body The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).
- Our congregation's mission statement is detailed at our link "Our faith and identity", by going to our main page and viewing the drop-down header, "About Mount Olive"
Where do I park?
- The parking lot on the west side of our property, along Franklin Avenue which runs in front of the church, or on any of the side streets.
Where do I enter?
- Before and during our weekend worship services, the front school door and church doors are unlocked. These doors are on the south side of the building. The doors on the north side of the building, and the west school door, are typically kept locked at these times, for security.
Is everyone invited?
- YES! Mount Olive is a place for anyone and everyone to gather together, learn, grow, and experience the profound unconditional love that God has for them in Jesus Christ.
What if I'm not a Lutheran?
- If you are a Christian of another denomination, God's word assures us that we are united in our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and in His death and resurrection on our behalf.
- At Mount Olive we express our Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective, but we invite all people to come and be a part of worship.
- Please contact Pastor Kasper ( to find out about basic instruction classes to learn more about the Lutheran faith.
What if I'm not a Christian, am I still welcomed?
- Absolutely, YES. Wherever you are on your faith journey, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we heartily welcome you to visit and observe our faith in action.
What should I wear?
- Please come as you are, or dress however you wish. We gather together to learn about, grow in, and serve our almighty God.
What happens in the different services? Which one is for me?
- Traditional worship on Saturdays at 5 PM: We use various services from the latest synodical hymnal, Lutheran Service Book (provided). Traditional liturgies include Pastor and congregation participating in (often responsive) prayers and scripture readings. We lift our voices in glad praise through traditional sung liturgy (such as "This is the Feast"), and hymns with organ, piano, or other instrumental accompaniment.
- Contemporary worship on Sundays at 9 AM: We use a blend of less-formal liturgy, scripture and contemporary-styled music. Pastor and congregation participate in (often responsive) prayers and scripture readings. The praise band (guitars, drums, keyboard) provides the music, and several lead singers, to lead the congregation in joyful singing of contemporary worship songs (words are on the screen at the front of the sanctuary).
- If you're unsure which style fits you, why not attend both services a few times and find out where you fit? We would love to have you join us!
What about Communion?
- The Lord’s Supper or Communion is a Biblical event, given by Jesus for the strengthening of our faith and the forgiveness of our sins (Matthew 26). God’s Word is very clear that when we receive the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper we also literally and physically receive the actual body and blood of Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:16 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-30).
- If you are a baptized Christian who trusts in Christ’s presence, recognizes your sinfulness, desires to be forgiven of those sins, and also needs strength from Jesus for your daily life, then you are welcome to join us!
- If you do not believe Christ is present, or are unsure of what you believe and want further explanation, then please feel free to speak with our Pastor at a convenient time.
- Here's what happens when you participate:
- The Pastor speaks the same words that Jesus spoke at the last supper (on the night He was betrayed and arrested, which led to His crucifixion. Read the account in the Bible (Matthew chapter 26 for example).
- Bread wafers and wine are distributed by the Pastor and an Elder
- Non-alcoholic wine is in the cups in the very center of the tray and gluten-free wafers in packages, for those who desire them
- Children are encouraged to come to the communion rail to receive a special blessing from the Pastor
What about Baptism?
- We believe that baptism is the free gift of forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit offered to us all through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Baptism is the way that we are made children of God and citizens of God’s Kingdom.
- We believe that this gift is for infants, children and adults (Acts 2:38-39).
- If you would like more information on baptism, feel free to speak with Pastor Kasper, or Contact us.
What is your Facebook page?
- Please visit and "like" our church & school Facebook page
- That's where you will see all the latest pictures and connect with others who share your values and beliefs
Do you have another question? Please feel free to Contact us. You may also contact Pastor Kasper ( We look forward to hearing from you!