5625 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Cover Our Kids with Prayer - Thank you! and Please Join In!

Cover Our Kids with Prayer:  Thank you to all of you who have served on this Prayer Team during the 2023-24 School year.  As you pray for these children and their families and have contact with them, you are sharing the love of Jesus.   We appreciate you!

Cover Our Kids with Prayer Opportunity:  We wish to invite you to participate in this ministry.  Yes, we rejoice with the increase in the student body and yes, this gives us more families to include in our prayer ministry!  Please contact a member of the Adult Ministry Team or Lois Jean Schumann 515-490-9424  for information or to volunteer to serve.

what sets us apart

Mount Olive Lutheran Church is a vibrant group of people who love Jesus, one another, and the community we serve. As a local church we are a community of everyday people, seeking to embrace our cities and nations with the love, hope and goodness of our compassionate and faithful God.

Regardless of who you are or where life has taken you thus far, you are more than welcome here.