5625 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Weekly News From Mount Olive Summer Camp 2021

Mrs. Heidi Rains and her Summer Camp staff will be sharing news and pictures in their weekly newsletter, available in the Olive Branch Newsletters section of the website. We will upload them as we receive them each week.

Keep the Summer Camp staff and campers in your prayers for a fun and safe summer, while they also grow closer to Christ.

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of June 7th

Here is the 6/16/21 Chapel Information Letter from our chapel leader, Ms. Chelsea Adams. We are collecting food pantry items (for our local Des Moines Area Religious Council Food Pantry) to show Compassion to our neighbors in need. The list of most-needed items is here.

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of June 14th.

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of June 21st.

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of June 28th

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of July 6th.

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of July 12th

Here is the Summer Camp Newsletter for the week of July 19th


what sets us apart

Mount Olive Lutheran Church is a vibrant group of people who love Jesus, one another, and the community we serve. As a local church we are a community of everyday people, seeking to embrace our cities and nations with the love, hope and goodness of our compassionate and faithful God.

Regardless of who you are or where life has taken you thus far, you are more than welcome here.