5625 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Advent Devotions - Rev. Chad Bird

On each of the seven days leading up to Christmas Eve (December 17-23 in 2020), Chad Bird provided a meditation that focuses on the ancient “O Antiphons,” each of which addresses Christ by a different Old Testament name. They are the texts on which the hymn "Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel" is based.

Chad was a field education student of Pastor Kleckner when he first started in ministry in Ohio in 1993. He is a brilliant theological mind.

Day 1:  "O Wisdom: Before Birds and Bees and Bonsai Trees"

Day 2: "O Adonai: A Scandalous Confession and the Burning Bush Jesus"

Day 3: "O Root of Jesse: Family Scandals and Deja Vu"

Day 4: "O Key of David: A Tale of Two Politicians and an Unorthodox Sheriff"

Day 5: "O Dayspring: Winning the Fight Against God"

Day 6: "O King of the Nations: Unity Deeper than Politics, Race, or Nationality"

Day 7: "O Emmanuel: Christmas in the Garden of Eden"

what sets us apart

Mount Olive Lutheran Church is a vibrant group of people who love Jesus, one another, and the community we serve. As a local church we are a community of everyday people, seeking to embrace our cities and nations with the love, hope and goodness of our compassionate and faithful God.

Regardless of who you are or where life has taken you thus far, you are more than welcome here.