Altar Flowers and Fellowship Treats
Please sign up for altar flowers or to bring fellowship treats on Sunday morning. They are served by the coffee bar in the gathering area at 9:20-9:45. There is a sign up sheet there.
Flowers are $40, which can be paid in the front office.
We want to pray for you and with you!
At Mount Olive we believe in the power of prayer. We have a prayer team who are ready to pray for any needs you may have. Please share anything you, a friend, or family member needs prayer for by contacting Lori (515-979-3474 or
Coffee with Jesus, Dec. 7th, 9:39-11 am
This month we take a look at the 3 women of Christmas: Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna - all women of great faith. What can we learn from them? We'll have the coffee brewing, so bring your Bible and come find out. We will meet in the 8th grade classroom just off of the gathering area. All women are welcome!
Drivers Needed
We have a growing number of people who could use a ride to church or Bible study during the week. If you are able to help please reach out to David Ullman (515-508-1440 or
Like kids? Want an easy way to be involved in Mount Olive Lutheran School?
Sign up to volunteer to help serve lunch! Click here to sign up.