5625 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Recent News

Sep 08

The Call Committee has begun regular meetings. God has already selected our next Pastor. Our goal is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in the call process. Please pray for the committee members and their work.

Pastor Jim Stogdill (...

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Aug 19

Iowa District West's Rev. Keith Haney published an article in this month's District Messenger that may be of interest, which is available through our Olive Branch Newsletter page: ...

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Aug 11

It was wonderful to welcome our students, their parents, and staff, back to school!  

Volunteers were greeters at the school doors on Wednesday, Aug. 24th, from 7:45 to 8:20. We received donations from the congregation...

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Jul 28

Nurture Team News

  • Cover Our Kids with Prayer: You should have the names of your students and the students were given your information last Friday.  Our Mount Olive public school students will be...
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May 24

The Iowa West District Lutheran Women in Mission gathered (around 400 people) for their convention June 16-18 at Camp Okoboji. I attended as our Des Moines West Zone President. We collected the following items to distribute to those in need:...

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what sets us apart

Mount Olive Lutheran Church is a vibrant group of people who love Jesus, one another, and the community we serve. As a local church we are a community of everyday people, seeking to embrace our cities and nations with the love, hope and goodness of our compassionate and faithful God.

Regardless of who you are or where life has taken you thus far, you are more than welcome here.