5625 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Recent News

Jan 05

The 8th grade class is heading to St. Louis for their class trip this Spring. They are selling red Mount Olive fleece lap blankets. They fold up in a handy carrying case as shown. The blankets are $20. They are available in the school office.

Jan 05

Enjoy a fascinating movie with your brothers and sisters in Christ, and stay to discuss afterwards if you wish: a great way to spend a wintry afternoon! The movie is “The End of the Spear”, which tells the story of five American missionaries, who...

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Dec 29

January 5th-6th is Mite Box Weekend, so please remember to “feed” our missions mite box next weekend, to support world missions.
Our mission emphasis for January is LWML National Grant #17– Concordia Nursing Students Serving with LCMS Mercy...

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Dec 29

Souper Saturday Service Opportunity
Come enjoy the fun of cooking together and serving others as the same time!

Join us on Saturday, January 12th, 10:00am –11:30am, as we put together soup freezer meals– to have...

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Dec 10

In a beautiful setting of Christmas cheer, we enjoyed a memorable and touching devotional presented by Kimberly Kleckner, "Taste and see" -- so much to ponder and share!  Favorite hymns were sung, and we heard again and again the miraculous gift...

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what sets us apart

Mount Olive Lutheran Church is a vibrant group of people who love Jesus, one another, and the community we serve. As a local church we are a community of everyday people, seeking to embrace our cities and nations with the love, hope and goodness of our compassionate and faithful God.

Regardless of who you are or where life has taken you thus far, you are more than welcome here.